Whether you venture over here to Moneyball Moments or hide from it in the safe embrace of conventional wisdom is out of my control. My aim, however, is to get you to take your shoes off, sit down, and stay awhile once you’re here. Consider my US Map data viz post (coming soon) to be a complementary glass of ice cold lemonade to sip on once you arrive. This will hold you over until we get to the appetizer, always thought-provoking ethics posts. The main course of models, graphs, and data analysis will surely entice you to order a slice of dessert to end the night, a data science book review.

In all reality, my hope is that you’ll learn a bit about the sports analytics world to the point of being able to defend it’s existence to the naysayers on TV, and learn enough about the code that goes into analyzing sports that you feel confident starting your own sports project. If nothing else, enjoy the read!
